Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Denmark trip

hello all:)
Im back from my trip to Denmark and I already miss it! I had a blast with tons of interviews, shooting with fashion nazi Jim Lyngvild and going to events like a taping of AllStars and party at St. Petri hotel. I was completely exhausted by the time I got on the plane but it was all worth it. i got articles in Her og Nu, Se og Hor, Billed bladet, Ekstra bladet and Allerod nyt. I also got internet interviews on Tjek tv and Amine. I also got on P3 morning radio and secured a Danish agent. Wow...I did have a little time to hang with my parents and I epecially loved my bicycle trip thru the forest and the family dinner at Sollerod Kro.
It was so weird to be recognized and asked for autographs everywhere. I'm still the same Ines I've always been, the only difference is that Im on tv now. Tony had fun also and as always loves Denmark, the food and my parents. We're now home in LA and taking a few days to unwind from the stress and jet lag.
Thanks for all the wonderful comments and emails from fans on facebook...keep'em comming!


  1. Cool blog :) Jeg fortæller lige om den på min blog :) Håber det er i orden.
    Keep up the good work ;)

  2. Det er så fedt, at du blogger! ;)Jeg glæder mig til afsnittet i aften!
